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Aquatic Facilities

For the most recent updates, please click on the “Read more” link to view.
Please view the attached Pre-Ballot Notice for information pertaining to the upcoming 2025 Annual Board of Directors Election Meeting. The document contains information on how to join the meeting, the list of Candidates, and where to send your ballot (pre-addressed ballot envelopes will be sent to you). Ballots will be mailed out to the Membership on the Record Date of April 11th. The Annual Meeting will be held virtually via Zoom on May 12, 2025, at 10:30 A.M.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Management at [email protected].
Your monthly pesticide treatment report is available for viewing. Please click on the “Read more” link to view the report.
For all private or group lessons, a private instructor agreement needs to be completed. The instructor must carry their own liability insurance policy for $1M that names Keystone Pacific Property Management LLC and Portola Springs Community Association as additional insured.
Trash cans are only intended for disposal of small waste items. If you are having a gathering, or see the trashcans are full please collect all trash and dispose in your personal trashcan at home. Overflowing trashcans encourages rodents and wild
The Board addressed concerns with parking and less than favorable activity on Tomato Springs. The Board wants to encourage all homeowners to voice their concerns with Irvine PD and the City Council, to improve the patrol coverage of this city area.